Less 'Is there a spoon?' and more 'If... Questions For the Game of Life.'
So. If you could have dinner with 5 people, who would you choose? (Real or otherwise, dead or otherwise, famous or otherwise. We're a democracy here.) We're butting the line, but then you go. So start thinkin'...
1. Banksy
2. Albus Dumbledore
3. Joan Didion
4. E.B. White
5. Sofia Coppola
*Jude threw out Ernest Hemingway in the first round because she felt he would stare at her boobs all night. And really, who needs that?
1. Lucille Ball
1. Lucille Ball
2. Ayn Rand
3. Audrey Hepburn
4. Tina Fey
5. Sofia Coppola
*Fran threw out Marilyn Monroe in favor for Audrey. More depth she decided, less dreadful druggy messy issues to wax though.
Annd... your turn, deary readers. Please inform us. Decide on a whim, write in haste, whatever you please. Let us know, and we hope we don't get order envy.
I also want to add Andy Warhol. I know that's cheating! But I don't care I have to have to have to.
michael scoffield
pablo picasso
georgia o'Keefe
Gary Stewart
Molly from American Girl
oooooooh yeah i have more, but that is ok i like bigger gathering anyway:
Joan or Arc
Vincent Chase and E, turtle, and drama for that matter
Cameran Diaz
Mike from Growing pains
Jonah from the Giver
-Marie Antoinette (obvi)
-Barbara Bush
-John Cusack
-My great grandmothers
-Frank Sinatra
diane has really stocked me up w/a full set of dishes....so my dinner party is going to be a bit bigger than 5 i'm afraid. we'll have a boys table and a girls table.
tom robbins, dave barry, neal cassady, dr. seuss, shel silverstein, albus dumbeldore (sorry i had to steal..he's just too good to not invite...i'll just be sure to hold my party on a different day than yours so there isn't a scheduling conflict)
grace kelly, audrey, annie leibowitz, carrie bradshaw, kate winslett and lesmetz
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