This Is About.

It's a digital age, man. So to you we present our virtual talk show of Nonsense: The Silly. The Beautiful. The True. In our own words or those quoted by others. With our own art or that created by others. We will laugh. We will smile. We will entertain you all the while. So grab a drink, come in and let's chat. We'd like to meet you, your mama, and your hot cousin Fred.


Cupcake to the Moon, Part One.

We have a newfound superhero in Anthony Bourdain and his new show on the Travel Channel. Reluctant celebrity chef. Respected writer (The New Yorker, New York Times, cookbooks, crime novels). World traveler. Adventurist. Seeker of mischief, mystery, the unknown. A dash rude. Extremely blunt. A sex, drugs, rock n' roll kinda guy. But always, a life enthusiast.

The man goes to Tahiti, the 'birthplace of the tattoo' and promptly gets a tattoo. Surfs in Cleveland (Cleveland? Wtf?), yes Cleveland, wtf. And then hangs out with Marky Ramone. He is always on the hunt for the unknown. Something that sparks his curious delight. And by golly, he finds it more often than not.

Forever searching for the 'perfect meal' Bourdain traipses through the streets of Buenos Aires and Tuscany. Enjoying every sparkling moment of the journey. He lives outside the lines. Exists outside of comfort zones. And that, inspires us. Because isn't that where life truly happens?

It inspires us so much in fact, that we are considering the establishment of our own weekly adventure. It maybe be a tattoo (cornstalks? 'midwest love' in old english?) An impromptu flight to Cape Cod (a polish for lunch, clam chowder for dinner?). Drum lessons (Checkout drummer in Smoosh on this one. That chick is as bad as we ever wanna be). Geriatric yoga in the park? Sounds smashing.

We want to openly accept invitations. Lunch with someone dangerous. Open up the options, let it all in. Live juicy, live big. So mosey on up to the dance floor, and let's two-step our way to the moon. With a cupcake in each hand. And Anthony Bourdain in our heads.

*And we aren't going to be the ones to say this- but Tony ain't too rough on the eyes either. We'd let him be our Mrs.Robinson. But we didn't say anything.

Throw us your ideas, and feel free to join in.



luke Eshleman said...

Nice article on the man-Mr Bourdain! I love him..-his show is great! His appearances on "Top Chef" are wonderful as well.. Good job girls-I enjoy the show!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wooppsy Daisy...that last comment was from me. But just wanted to add Shimon, Matt (owners of SUSHISAMBA) & exec chef traveled with Anthony to Brazil and he wrote about the trip in his book Nasty Bits...good read!