This Is About.

It's a digital age, man. So to you we present our virtual talk show of Nonsense: The Silly. The Beautiful. The True. In our own words or those quoted by others. With our own art or that created by others. We will laugh. We will smile. We will entertain you all the while. So grab a drink, come in and let's chat. We'd like to meet you, your mama, and your hot cousin Fred.


Empanadas Are the New Cupcakes

photo love: Vita

Well, that might be an exaggeration, but when our girl Amanda texted us this, we had to bite into one again. She's our style-conscious moonpie who's deep into the hippy-hipster New York restaurant scene.
And after licking our fingers from the guava & cheese orgasm empanada just now, it got us thinking; if the world were one giant dinner party (which it is), what dish during which course would we be? Because some days we certainly do feel like a guava and cheese orgasm empanada, or a prefectly pink pixie stick cupcake.
But some days we feel like the green beans no one wants to eat. And some days (usually when we're really hungover), we feel like the coffee grounds left to burn in the fancy french press on the stove that we love so much.
Okay, just give us another empanada, please.


Anonymous said...

Feeling like a bowl of penne pasta... nothing special, easy to make, and a fairly safe crowd pleaser

Anonymous said...

its too funny where I heard this from...a "hipster olympic" video on utube. hiliarious to be a hispter.

Anonymous said...

I feel like a pesto turkey sandwich from Whole Foods. That stuff gets your mind right!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm most definitely pizza! Not my favorite food of all times for nothing! Its good hot, cold, a.m., p.m., sometimes surprising or fruity but never stale, its casual and cheezy...

Mariana said...

What a surpise! Empanadas is our typical food, here in Argentina. We do them, or better, order them... Didn't know they were hitting the north way. But great! The gauchos would be so proud of you. :-)

judithe & francine said...

Amanda, that video is flippin' hilarious! We only got through the beg. when the one guy got disqualified and said he didn't care but you knew he really did.

Co, you will always be the bestest Pizza Slut Lunch Buffet Pizza in the whole world to us.

judithe & francine said...

mariana, we are jealous you get to order empanadas whenever your pretty heart desires! let us know your favorite recipe if you make 'em ;)

Anonymous said...

well, within the d.c. circuit, julia has always done me right. she's a 250 pound mass of culinary genius, combining elements of jicama, yucca, spice of all sorts, bound within a capsule of crusty tanned crust. empanadas are better than the new cupcake, they're the new vitamin water, the new Emergency, the new Flaming Lips, THE NEW STRINGLESS VANS!