This Is About.

It's a digital age, man. So to you we present our virtual talk show of Nonsense: The Silly. The Beautiful. The True. In our own words or those quoted by others. With our own art or that created by others. We will laugh. We will smile. We will entertain you all the while. So grab a drink, come in and let's chat. We'd like to meet you, your mama, and your hot cousin Fred.


Turn It Up, Chris

Oh! We lovesies this vidsies! Oh dearies, it is of most-impertiveness (please start creating new words too! It's ever so phun!) that you pretty-please-with-a-cherry-on-top (we've always found that a bit scandalous, to be honest) craaank your speaker volume,* sip a Red Bull through a skinny red straw & press play. Then bop your head, whistle along and maybe paint your nails fire-sex-engine red afterwards.

Because this song will make you bebop till you can't stop, and the darling trip-dippy boys of The Tough Alliance so genuinely enjoy banging and singing and bebopping to their own song, it will render you incapable of one negative thought. And you will probably want a cupcake afterwards. Because when and why would you ever not want a cupcake? Inconceivabil-icious. Indeed!

Well, then. Glad we're so understated and regal today, bunnies. Yes, ever the ladies, we are, ever the fashionable-trashy-sexalicious old ladies.


*And please note, dearies, that we genuinely understand it is not always possible to watch videos with the sound blaring while in ze workplace. However, we thinks you would still enjoy and benefit from partaking in the watching of this video even with no sound at all. None! Non! Nada! And also please note, dearies, that you will also acquire some most-lovely fashion tips (namely of the rolled-pants-turned-capris variety). Enjoy then, and carry on, you happy clams you.


Unknown said...

OK ladies... I was googling what movie or song did the phrase "turn it up Chris" come from, and i got your blog as a hit. I have used that phrase for decades, perhaps even eons, but for the life of me cannot remember where it came from. My 21 yr. old son thinks i am crazy, and i wholeheartedly agree, but i digress. I thought your vid would resolve this search, but nay. I cannot help but notice that you have used the same phrase to describe said vid, WHY?!?! i am going crazy, ladies, please tell me you can remember where that phrase came from?!?!
Most sincerely,
A stark raving lunatic from the Gulf,
or simply,

Unknown said...

OK ladies... I was googling what movie or song did the phrase "turn it up Chris" come from, and i got your blog as a hit. I have used that phrase for decades, perhaps even eons, but for the life of me cannot remember where it came from. My 21 yr. old son thinks i am crazy, and i wholeheartedly agree, but i digress. I thought your vid would resolve this search, but nay. I cannot help but notice that you have used the same phrase to describe said vid, WHY?!?! i am going crazy, ladies, please tell me you can remember where that phrase came from?!?!
Most sincerely,
A stark raving lunatic from the Gulf,
or simply,

Unknown said...

OK ladies... I was googling what movie or song did the phrase "turn it up Chris" come from, and i got your blog as a hit. I have used that phrase for decades, perhaps even eons, but for the life of me cannot remember where it came from. My 21 yr. old son thinks i am crazy, and i wholeheartedly agree, but i digress. I thought your vid would resolve this search, but nay. I cannot help but notice that you have used the same phrase to describe said vid, WHY?!?! i am going crazy, ladies, please tell me you can remember where that phrase came from?!?!
Most sincerely,
A stark raving lunatic from the Gulf,
or simply,