This Is About.

It's a digital age, man. So to you we present our virtual talk show of Nonsense: The Silly. The Beautiful. The True. In our own words or those quoted by others. With our own art or that created by others. We will laugh. We will smile. We will entertain you all the while. So grab a drink, come in and let's chat. We'd like to meet you, your mama, and your hot cousin Fred.


Honesty Killed the Cat

Oh boysie Idaho... No you da ho... Haha that never gets old for us.
Sometimes we miss school. Well, almost all the time. The papers. The binders. The binder dividers. (!!!) The crumbling textbooks with thousands of pages to read, all in a night. Questions to answer, boxes to check, to do lists to X the hay off, one at a dozens of time. Hours of daydreaming in boring classes, at our desk in our own little hobbit hole of a worldsies. Oh, the fun we had having others to tie our shoes and dot our i's and pay our bills.
After all, with rose-colored glasses on we can remember just about anything our itty heart chooses to remember, dumplings. But when we think, when we reeeally think, about how it went and how it goes and the trips we took down the stairs all to land on our face, then it gets real, yo. We imagine a gameshow setting with Johnny Carson hosting. And he queries us ever so seriously:
Q: What is the most important thing you learned in school, Mary Magdalene Frances Moonpie Judithe Reagan Magee?
A: Why, gosh Johnnie Rotten, we learned how to worry our little brains so much they squeezed out our earsies.
Ohh, but the way the world goes round, and the things we utter when honesty hits and the coffee wears off. Yes, we certainly learned how to worry about life and friends and the pursuit of happiness & champagne. But we also learned how to love and smile and pass notes in class to our besties.
And so, we must admit, when we take off the rose-colored glasses, we really don't miss school all that much. We washed our hands and shook out our hair and we're done with that role we played with so much gusto. Now, it's on to different adventures with dinners out and house keys jangling and bottles of wine to drink... and yet, still lots of laughing and lots of passing notes in class. Er, emails at work, we mean.
But if we could go back to school, we hope we would have the cojones to turn in an answer like dear, dear Jathum up there. Because now that is telling it how it is, no rose-colored glasses in the farthest of sights.

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