This Is About.

It's a digital age, man. So to you we present our virtual talk show of Nonsense: The Silly. The Beautiful. The True. In our own words or those quoted by others. With our own art or that created by others. We will laugh. We will smile. We will entertain you all the while. So grab a drink, come in and let's chat. We'd like to meet you, your mama, and your hot cousin Fred.


Got a Problem?

ask fran!


Anonymous said...

Dear Fran,
Sometimes I feel like it's Funky Friday but then I realize it's Monday or even Wednesday mid-afternoon. What do I do about the fact that I don't like my job, miss my friends and eat shit like it's good for me and isn't actually accumulating on my hips?

Anonymous said...

I work a corp. job, and I sit in a quad of cubicals with only men. 3 against 1 is something I here more as an adult then I did when I was 10 (and trust me that is a lot). ANyway the question is reagrding farts and lots of them! Someone or all of them fart all day long and every single time I say eeewwwwweee who farted and every single time they all act like they 1) can't smell it


2) that it wasn't them

"I cannot smell it, but it wasn't me!"

What should I Do? Please don't suggest that I start letting them rip because I won't do that!

-Stinkbomb in Seattle

Anonymous said...

I work a corp. job, and I sit in a quad of cubicals with only men. 3 against 1 is something I here more as an adult then I did when I was 10 (and trust me that is a lot). ANyway the question is reagrding farts and lots of them! Someone or all of them fart all day long and every single time I say eeewwwwweee who farted and every single time they all act like they 1) can't smell it


2) that it wasn't them

"I cannot smell it, but it wasn't me!"

What should I Do? Please don't suggest that I start letting them rip because I won't do that!

-Stinkbomb in Seattle

Anonymous said...

i love the prof. trelawney look yer rockin'.

i keep trying to pull headscarves off...but i'm not doing it right apparantly! question here. just comment. hehehe!