This Is About.

It's a digital age, man. So to you we present our virtual talk show of Nonsense: The Silly. The Beautiful. The True. In our own words or those quoted by others. With our own art or that created by others. We will laugh. We will smile. We will entertain you all the while. So grab a drink, come in and let's chat. We'd like to meet you, your mama, and your hot cousin Fred.


Call & Response: Perspective *J on the Dance Fight

What do you get when you cross modern dance with an old leather belt?

1. A last-minute invite to a moonlight picnic at Millenium, with dancers swirling and twirling to world music and Jimi Hendrix funk
2. Three bottles of wine and no air conditioning
3. A young man standing in front of an old man

4. We glance over at the well-dressed, gray-headed old man, in the midst of swaying to drum beats and admiring those rock *asses
5. He was holding his belt
6. The young man was laughing at the old man
7. The old man pounced on the young man, pelting and pelting him with his ol' leather belt
8. Our deary-dear friend Curtis stepped in and helped break up the beatdown

And there you go. Who knew the most dangerous sport to spectate was modern dance? Mmm... feisty.



Anonymous said...

A note from another royal rumble witness>

There were a couple more people that have been forgotten about in the reduction of these stories to text(word choice reduced because one could never fully explain this occurence in spoken or written words)
1)The girlfriend of the younger lad: very fiesty herself; she was right in the middle of the pelting and in the midst of it all she lost her literally her cooler!
2)The silent but deadly wife of the older psycho: Didn't say a word, just packed up her things and calmed down her crazed love. I am willing to speculate, that she was infact the one that was really irrated by the young man blocking her view of the ballet...oh how I wish I too had such a charming knight in shining armor ie:beltbuckle
3)The daughter slash maybe grand daughter of the much much older fellow: I am still a little thrown on the actual age of the older party involved, but that being said no matter the exact age he had a very embaressed little girl that he clearly was not too concern about.

It really is shame how violent the modern dance community is these days!

Anonymous said...

I mean really how does something like this happen? You know I've seen fights at games and thats fine, I've seen moms get crazy at dance concerts backstage mom but what runs through the heads of idiots that take charge swinging a belt like a whip in the old slavery days, maybe he was having a RELAPSE. I THINK I JUST FIGURED IT OUT. HE HAD A FLASHBACK. I'm brilliant. I should be a detective.

Anonymous said...

Ok everyone just so you know this hoopla is so so so soooooooooooooooooooooooo funny that i will never stop laughing! I love the comment and YES you should be a detective! This is one of those fabulous things that no matter what it cheers me up and makes me laugh..seriously i kinda want to print out and carry the stories and comments with me in my purse! I love you guys!