This Is About.

It's a digital age, man. So to you we present our virtual talk show of Nonsense: The Silly. The Beautiful. The True. In our own words or those quoted by others. With our own art or that created by others. We will laugh. We will smile. We will entertain you all the while. So grab a drink, come in and let's chat. We'd like to meet you, your mama, and your hot cousin Fred.


It's not always Chicago.

Miles: Sometimes you gotta say "What the Fuck", make your move. Joel, every now and then, saying "What the Fuck", brings freedom. Freedom brings opportunity, opportunity brings freedom. So your parents are going out of town. You got the place all to yourself.

Joel: Yeah.

Miles: What the fuck.

1 comment:

judithe & francine said...

My other fave... "Miles: I don't believe this! I've got a trig midterm tomorrow, and I'm being chased by Guido the killer pimp."

Nice post, Fran. You rawk.
