It started with a top drawer comic books stash in the fourth grade. Then we moved to a new school, got girlier friends and with 'em a subscription to American Girl. From there, we spent years sampling the labyrinth of secret magazine societies (You read Jane?! Me TOO!! ... Hmm, you want to axe the skinny-minnies and shoddy writing that is Cosmo Magazine? I have a shed full of ammo! Let's be friends). And so it went, tapping magazines and moving on without even a breakup post-it note.
Until now. We think we've finally found true-blue love with LEMON mag. It's a visual circus of smartly-written pop culture madness, and it pushes the envelope on every sexy page. It covers music, art, books, and probably even puppies. We are so meant to be.

Check it out and tell us what you love, what you hate and what mag we need to start desperately seeking more than Susan herself...
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